Rose Colored Glasses – A mother’s memoir

RoseGlasses_front lowWhat happens to a mother’s faith when things change?

Fourth daughter, Katy, is born with jiggling eyes that bounce, cross and squint. Doctors confirm she’s visually impaired and color blind, but can’t offer any diagnosis. Worse, her IQ tests at half that of a normal baby. Her mother, author Ellen Tomaszewski, is devastated, but determined to find the cause and possibly a cure. Ste in the desert steppe of the Columbia River valley in Washington State, Rose Colored Glasses – How to swallow pride without choking and other motherly tasks, is a remarkable memoir about challenges, determination and God’s grace. This heart-warming book is one you’ll not soon forget.

Katy’s eyes jiggle, bounce, cross, and squint, and her IQ is abysmal. These are challenging problems, sure. But the baby’s mother, author Ellen Tomaszewski, soon encounters bigger issues: insensitivity of others, difficulty in accepting imperfection, and especially, her own unmet expectations of motherhood. Set in the desert steppe of Eastern WA State, Rose Colored Glasses – How to swallow pride without choking, and other challenging, motherly tasks, is a bold look into the feelings and faith of a mother bewildered by the birth of a disabled child.

“Rose Colored Glasses is a moving, informative, and – in the best and deepest meaning of the word – inspiring true story. It’s an account of courage, faith and persistent hope. It’s the kind of book you will want to read again and share with your friends because it’s a book you will love. ~ Mitch and Kathy Finley, Authors of  numerous books including: What Faith is Not and the Liturgy of Motherhood.

“In detailing the events of her daughter, Katy’s, birth and discovery of her bouncy, wiggly, eyes, Tomaszewski unravels a heartwarming and true story of the significant courage of ordinary people. While in most books the reader is permitted observation, Tomaszewski’s writing style engages the reader in such a way that one feels like a member of the Tomaszewski household. We seem to be in the same room when Ellen raises the shades and lets sunlight in – thereby discovering the odd characteristics of her daughter’s eyes.” Rebekah Jakema, book reviewer for the Entertainer Newspaper.

“Very beautiful and moving story.” ~ Mary O – Reader and parent of child with achromatopsia, Great Britain –

“I just finished reading your wonderful book. God certainly revealed His wisdom when he gave Katy to you. Very few moms would have had the love, patience, and perseverance to nurture and guide Katy to be the lovely young woman she has become.”  ~ Cherie R., Pennsylvania

“Rose Colored Glasses is a great book which shows that any child with a disability as confusing as congenital achromatopsia can succeed with the assistance and advocacy of a devoted parent.” ~ Rachael Scdoris, author of No End in Sight, Iditarod runner and person with achromatopsia.

Baby Katy’s eyes jiggle, bounce, cross, and squint, and her IQ is abysmal. These are challenging problems, but the child’s mother, author Ellen Tomaszewski soon encounters much bigger ones: insensitivity from others, difficulty in accepting imperfection, and especially, her own unmet expectations of motherhood. Set in the desert steppe of the Columbia River in WA State, Rose Colored Glasses (How to swallow my pride without choking, and other motherly tasks) is a bold look into the feelings and faith of a mother bewildered by the birth of a disabled child.

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